Lift Your Life Initiative
Another five sessions can be approved up to a maximum of 10 sessions. The circumstances under which a further five free sessions may be approved are if the Practitioner feels the sessions are warranted; the Client has provided written feedback through a statement of Benefit form; and funds are available to pay the therapist. If we are unable to offer you an additional 5 free sessions, you may choose to purchase more sessions at a highly discounted rate of $295, payable in advance.
Contacting the Administrator
Should you wish to contact the program Administrator to offer feedback prior to the conclusion of your sessions, you can do so by emailing:
If you are dissatisfied with any part of the progress or management of the healing sessions, we will try to help resolve the issue.
If you feel your practitioner and the therapy has been of value to you please let us know.
Head office:
213 Martinsville Road