Help us make a difference

Support the wellbeing of others

Give the gift of wellness

Help us make a difference

Support the wellbeing of others

Give the gift of wellness

Lift Your Life

What is Lift Meditation Technique?

Lift meditation technique (LMT) is a modality developed over the past 25 years by Managing Director Kim Durga. It combines meditation, cognitive behavioral therapy, breathing practices, positive psychology, mindfulness, energy and sound medicine, transactional analysis, forgiveness, radical acceptance and adaptation.

Lift Meditation sessions have been further adapted by Kathy Perrego, MD to meet the needs of the health care professionals during this stressful time. The sessions focus on stress reduction, calming the nervous system, coping with overwhelm, hopelessness, dealing with worries about getting sick and infecting your love ones, etc. These sessions are designed to foster hope, vitality and resilience

What happens

During one on one sessions a practitioner of Lift Meditation Technique will accompany you on your journey from distress to re-empowerment. Every session is unique; every time it will offer insights and mental lift based on exactly where you are right now. You will be shown resilience tools to deal with practical issues and problems. You will probably feel lighter and clearer, and as the journey unfolds your perceptions, reactions, sense of burden and burnout will dissolve into calmness, greater confidence and resilience

Free Pre-recorded Lift Sessions for Doctors, Nurses and Health Professionals

To support your wellbeing as you take care of countless others, The Well Being Initiative has pre-recorded  7-20 minute Lift sessions available during this COVID 19 crisis, free to all doctors, nurses and health professionals.

We are pleased to offer these free of charge to all health care professionals as we deal with this global crisis. We are deeply grateful for your service.

Lift Facilitators:

Kathy Perrego, MD, CGP Board Certified Child, Adolescent and Adult Psychiatrist. Scarsdale, NY, USA

Kim Durga Founder and Managing Director of the Well Being Initiative. Cooranbong, NSW, Australia

Need a LIFT now?

Breathing Practices - Dr Kathy


10:50 min

Winding Down into Sleep - Dr Kathy


17:22 min

Lift session are rated



A Wellbeing Initiative

A six part series to help you thrive.
Build a life free of debilitating stress, fatigue and potential job burnout.

Burning Out?

Usually, we don't notice the signs and symptoms until we are quite stressed, depressed or unwell. Health care professionals are particularly susceptible to burnout. Now recognised as a medical condition by the World Health Organisation (2019) this condition can lead to depressive symptoms, insomnia, body pain, fatigue, absenteeism, job dissatisfaction, clinical errors as well as a raft of physical problems from high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease to respiratory and gastrointestinal issues.

We are here to help support your journey to wellbeing. We have had great success in helping thousands of people from all walks of life manage and lift out of these problems. We have also supported people with chronic or terminal illness who have been depressed and anxious as a result. Lift has been taught and practiced in Australia, USA, Canada, India, UK and China.

We offer gentle, friendly and caring services, sharing effective tools that are easy to integrate into your successful professional life. We want to help you find the most important thing there is: a happy, healthy YOU!

As well as helping those who are already experiencing challenges, our focus in The Well Being Initiative is providing simple, non-medical tools for the prevention of burnout and related issues.

What we do

We offer drop in classes in Lift, individual sessions as well as structured 8 week Lift group sessions. These bring profound transformation and alleviation of heaviness, bleakness and pain. Participants feel more enlivened, empowered and vital. They report to us that using the simple tools and techniques we share with them, work and home life are easier and more satisfying.

  • Online tips and meditations
  • Group and Individual Lift
  • Upskill people in work place relationship management

We can provide separate groups for

  • Doctors
  • Nursing professionals
  • Health care professionals
  • Medical reception and support staff
  • Members of the public seeking support whether they are referred by doctors, through an outpatient facility, community groups or simply hear about us.

Discover Wellbeing

Lift Meditation
Drop in classes in group format are offered online. Generally 15-30 minutes duration.

Lift Sessions

One on one sessions with a Lift Practitioner, who will accompany you on your journey from distress to re-empowerment. Every session is unique; every time it will offer insights and lift based on exactly where you are right now. You will be shown resilience tools to deal with practical issues and problems. You will probably feel lighter and clearer, and as the journey unfolds your perceptions, reactions, sense of burden and burnout will dissolve into calmness, greater confidence and resilience. 8 sessions are recommended over a 6-10 week period as discussed with your practitioner and to fit in with your schedule. First session 45 minutes thereafter 30-45 minutes.
Lift Group Sessions
Group dynamics enable deep empowerment and priceless learning from peers. Some sessions are closed, other sessions are open to new members, some are gender or job specific (example Lift for nurses, Lift for family doctors, Lift for front line hospital workers and so on), numbers do not exceed 12 per group. A safe and structured foundation will allow all participants to relax, contribute, listen, practise new things, feedback challenges and share discoveries. The vibe is uplifting, inspiring and is followed by tea/coffee and the chance for social interaction for those who choose it. Generally 90 minutes duration weekly.
Over 25 years of helping thousands

“On every occasion that I have met Kim, I have been impressed by her commitment to healing. She has put herself and her students under rigorous training, discipline and practices. She attempts to build in science and research to validate her work. I have seen her treat a group of skeptic physicians and was able to interview them afterwards. They spoke about how they were confused at how they felt so peaceful and calm after their sessions.”

Psychiatrist Badri Rickhi, MBBS, FRCP Member, The International Association of HealthCare Professionals

Dr. Rickhi is clinical associate professor of medicine at the University of Calgary. A psychiatrist who specialises in the relationship between mental health and spirituality, Dr. Rickhi is research chair and a founding member of CINIM (the Canadian Institute of Natural and Integrative Medicine) based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Kim S Durga
Founder, Managing Director

I met Kim Durga earlier this year, and I was very impressed by her background and experience. She has developed an integrative meditation technique called LIFT, which combines mindfulness, psychology and other healing modalities.

I feel very fortunate have experienced LIFT sessions with Kim directly, as well as with one of her students in the United States who facilitated LIFT sessions for physicians and mental health clinicians working on the front lines treating patients with COVID-19 in the United States.

Kim is a wonderful mentor and teacher, and I highly recommend her as a resource for physicians and other health care practitioners. She understands the many benefits of prevention and lifestyle choices in mental, physical and spiritual well-being. Her practical, holistic approach can be used to reduce stress, overwhelm, anxiety, depression and burnout.

Kristin Riley-Lazo, MD

Acknowledgement of Country
We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land, The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people; our First Nations people and we pay respect to our wisdom holders, all elders, past present and emerging.

We acknowledge the courage and heart that it will take as we walk forward together to participate in the challenging conversations required for change, to face, accept and acknowledge all parts of our shared history. To tell the truth and hear the truth, and the courage it will take to validate the experiences of our First Nations people as we hold each other, to heal with great respect as we cocreate a culturally safe, inclusive and wonderous place to live.

Contact us to see how we can assist you and your team.

Our head office is at 213 Martinsville Road, Cooranbong, NSW 2265 Australia.

We help people be well and happy

Understanding My Own Needs

Great skills for communicating and relating, in the workplace or in our personal lives.

Richard M, Army Officer, Bondi

I Feel Lighter

After the first Lift session I couldn't believe the difference. I felt lighter, and as though I would be able to find a pathway forward during an extremely stressful period in my personal and professional life. With each session I felt the release of tension and the dissolving away of the hopeless feeling of 3 years of depression.

Margo, Melbourne

Lift Group Sessions

I have never relished the thought of sitting around talking about problems with a bunch of other people doing the same. Happily Lift group sessions are not like that. It is refreshing, entertaining, uplifting, bonding and the best thing I have found. I have learned so many skills that I can use every day, to keep on top of things and to thrive.

Edward, MD, Sydney

No Longer Drained

I never expected that the work I enjoy and the career I love would be so draining. After giving 110% for years I had nothing left.  Lift cleaned that out and gave me the energy and focus I need to do my job to the best of my ability and know how to care for my own wellbeing in the process.

Sally, High School Teacher, Central Coast

Lift meditation is not a medical treatment. If you are feeling suicidal or acutely depressed, please consult your usual doctor as well as having more treatment.

Head office:
213 Martinsville Road

© 2024 The Well Being Initiative
Lift Meditation Technique ®
