Health Professionals


As a GP for some 35 years, I know the impact of burnout and stresses that we all face.

It can be hard for doctors to seek medical care sometimes, even though they can be laden with the burdens of helping others. With so many pressures and commitments, your own wellbeing can be pushed to the back burner.  However the incidence of suicide in doctors is higher than average. This is largely preventable with some gentle care, to help you not just cope, but to flourish. 

Fortunately for me, when the final blow hit, I met Kim Durga, founder of The Well Being Initiative, whose wide range of skills and experience, together with LIFT Meditation, prevented the complications we all know can occur with burnout, and has really transformed my life. The whole person is addressed, and with LIFT, goes beyond the cognitive mind, to access subconscious limiting and negative beliefs which can be released, while in a meditative state with lasting benefits. This can be done in a group or in a personal session and is equally effective on zoom. Kim Durga has developed a wide range of workshops  to address relationships, burnout, abundance and so much more on consciousness also.

The use of LIFT Meditation has a real place in wellbeing and prevention of burnout in all those involved in the helping professions or caring for others, and for anyone in challenging relationships. I also see the benefits that LIFT can provide as a therapeutic intervention alongside medical management for a wide variety of patients suffering  stress, anxiety, depression, chronic pain, chronic illness, and relationship issues.

This modality really provides wellbeing for the whole person. I have worked with Kim Durga and The Well Being Initiative, and know the value of what they do.

Dr M Quadrio GP

Doctors help so many others and usually lack a support structure themselves. The AMA is encouraging medical practitioners to engage in a self-care program as part of their annual self-evaluation. The growing recognition of the necessity of self-care for doctors and other health professionals, and the recent body of research which validates  the work we do, means it is a perfect time for you to connect with us.

We structure wellbeing programs specifically for doctors. Please contact our team to arrange for a discussion as to how we could help your doctors, or you personally, to enjoy a more peaceful and effective life, with greater well being and less risk of burnout.

Kim Durga was a speaker at the GP long lunch held on the Central Coast, where the focus was wellness for GP’s. Here is a video summary of that event
In May 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) recognised burnout as a medical condition in its International Classification of Diseases (ICD). Burnout is a significant and real issue for doctors. A very good article about it can be found here.

Burnout Effects

The negative health effects of burnout were explored in a systematic review of prospective studies, published in PLOS ONE in 2017

“Burnout was a significant predictor of the following physical consequences:

  • hypercholesterolemia,
  • type 2 diabetes,
  • coronary heart disease,
  • hospitalization due to cardiovascular disorder,
  • musculoskeletal pain, changes in pain experiences,
  • prolonged fatigue,
  • headaches, gastrointestinal issues,
  • respiratory problems, severe injuries and mortality below the age of 45 years.

The psychological effects were insomnia, depressive symptoms, use of psychotropic and antidepressant medications, hospitalization for mental disorders and psychological ill-health symptoms.

Job dissatisfaction, absenteeism, new disability pension, job demands, job resources and presenteeism were identified as professional outcomes…. The individual and social impacts of burnout highlight the need for preventive interventions and early identification of this health condition in the work environment.”

Physical, psychological and occupational consequences of job burnout: A systematic review of prospective studies  Denise Albieri Jodas Salvagioni,  Francine Nesello Melanda, Arthur Eumann Mesas, Alberto Durán González, Flávia Lopes Gabani,  Selma Maffei de Andrade Published: October 4, 2017 Study here.

How We Can Help

Sessions with our highly trained meditation facilitators and practitioners are strictly confidential, non-judgmental, accepting and supportive.

  • A combination of individual and group sessions will be recommended depending upon the time the doctor has available and his or her specific requirements.
  • Groups for specific medical organisations or medical area of specialisation.
  • Groups for male and female doctors are sometimes requested.
  • Our highly successful treatment strategies arise from meditation, together with cognitive reframing and visualisation as well as other tools. These sit outside of the psychiatric system, are geared towards human flourishing and are evidence based.

We would like to explore with you and your practice how we can meet your needs and objectives and further our charity’s purpose of helping people in the medical and related fields to find relief and wellbeing.  Based upon the evidence, we believe that we can help prevent as well as manage and relieve stress for you and your health professionals. We suggest  an initial meeting where we can discuss ways in which our expertise and scalable workforce of highly trained and experienced practitioners could be of assistance to you across Australia.


Nursing is a demanding profession. Nurses can be the 'meat in the sandwich' between patients, doctors, and health administration. Growing demands, staffing shortages and ever increasing paperwork can strain the balance between nursing technical proficiency and empathetic time with patients.

Issues facing nurses can include:

  • Staffing levels
  • Long hours
  • Bullying and harassment
  • Workplace violence and disrespect
  • Compassion fatigue
  • Working under pressure
  • Coping with death
  • Difficult patients, doctors
  • Hazardous materials
  • Acute visual, olfactory and auditory stresses

We can help you to release the burden and reclaim some inner peace. Tools for self-empowerment, resilience and cutting from your day.

Allied Health

Medical administrative staff as well as the many complementary disciplines are under pressure in health systems which are trying to cut costs as well as provide state of the art, 7 days per week services. From hospital managers, medical receptionists, and discharge planners, to dietitians, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, social workers and speech pathologists, there is increasing pressure to do more with less in hospitals. In the field allied health is to be found in private practice, community health and in – home care. The emphasis is on health lifestyle and on independence; whether that is physically, psychologically, cognitively or socially. Allied health professionals also have a large role in the management of people with disabilities from childhood to adult.

Issues facing allied health can include:

  • Dealing with red tape
  • Resource issues and limitations
  • Outdated technologies and management systems
  • Structural Changes requiring rapid adaptation adopted in already stressful conditions
  • Feeling like a cog in a huge health machine
  • Increased workloads and paperwork
  • Communication with doctors and patients
  • Working under pressure
  • Compassion fatigue
  • Burn out

Added to this is the Covid pandemic, creating risks as well as new and more onerous duties for everyone in health. While you cannot treat trauma in a war zone, it is possible to learn coping strategies to lessen the risk of the terrible result personally and professionally that comes with acute stress and burn out.

Head office:
213 Martinsville Road

© 2024 The Well Being Initiative
Lift Meditation Technique ®
